Brattleboro Blogging

Hi all, wedding #1 and book signing #1 are done. I’m in Brattleboro, Vermont, right now, enjoying the cool temps, low humidity, and the easy to settle into rest and relaxation. Did a radio gig this morning on WKVT with Steve West and Gorty Baldwin to promote the booksigning tonight, that was tons of fun! Oh, and I picked up one new book for the collection yesterday in downtown Brattleboro, titled Sleep (it felt appropriate, I had just finished an afternoon nap). Some pictures from the trip so far:

Mom and Jim stayed at a hotel near my grandma’s house that had this great stove/sink/cabinet/fridge combo, probably circa 1950s? Mom’s holding up the lid to the unit, which flips down to make more counter space:

Me at Borders in Cheektowaga:

Just-picked vegetables from Chris and Lise’s community garden plot (yum!!!):

WKVT this morning: