Care of the Ear

bead, button or seedThis week’s tip is from Professor T. W. Shannon’s Nature’s Secrets Revealed: Scientific Knowledge of The Laws of Sex Life and Heredity, or Eugenics. You might be interested in this heavy statement from the book’s introduction: “The truth and facts about sex laws and hygiene are the foundation upon which this nation must build for the future.” I can just imagine our leaders saying this in front of a backdrop of American flags.

As long as there wouldn’t be any pus leaking from their ears. Eeewww.

1916: Care of the Ear

Never meddle with the ear if a foreign body, such as a bead, button or seed enters it; leave it absolutely alone, but have a physician attend to it. More damage has been done by injudicious attempts at the extraction of a foreign body than could ever come from its presence in the ear.

Never wear cotton in the ears if they are discharging pus.

Never apply a poultice to the inside of the canal of the ear.

Never drop anything into the ear unless it has been previously warmed.

Never use anything but a syringe and warm water for cleaning the ears from pus.

Never strike or box a child’s ears; this has been known to rupture the drumhead and cause incurable deafness.

Never scratch the ears with anything but the finger if they itch. Do not use the head of a pin, hairpins, pencil tip or anything of that nature.

To Cure Earache. ~ Put a live coal from the fire in a cup and pour a teaspoonful of granulated sugar over it. Be careful not to let it blaze, and at once insert a small funnel over it, holding the tip of the funnel in the ear. The smoke gives instant relief.

Source: Shannon, T. W. Nature’s Secrets Revealed: Scientific Knowledge of The Laws of Sex Life and Heredity, or Eugenics. Marietta, Ohio: S. A. Mullikin Co., 1916.
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